Monday, September 5, 2011


Free, Fair and Credible has been the song since after the general elections held in April 2011; it is not so, not because it has given us leaders that can truly serve us, but because the entire electoral process was done within  the ambiance of the law (Electoral Act 2010)
Even with the level of success achieved most people still voted based on some form of sentiment in spite that I still give kudos to Nigerians for showing little signs of our gradual movement from non-participation to active participation in our democratic process.                            
Some few weeks after the general elections, I was back for DESPLAY season 6, semester 2 programme at Abakaliki in Ebonyi, (for those that do not know DESPLAY is an acronym for Democratic Series, Participation Learning and Active Youth; it is a leadership training for young people to promote the democratic culture among young people, it is divided into a 3 semester course, a learning visit to an African Democracy & a legislative Internship) 
Inclusive in our semester 2 programme is election of our DESPLAY President, before our arrival the politicking has began, with various interest group putting forth candidate, however when the chips were down, two candidate finally emerged- the night before the D-Day it was a presidential debate I felt after such a debate DESPLAYERs should have made up their minds who the cap fits, it was not so, because on  election  day signs of sentiment started showing its ugly face and this was manifested in the voting going into round 3, an election that should have been lucid created a tensed atmosphere among a great family(DESPLAYERS). It went for three rounds not because the fight was between two “qualified” candidates, but because tribal sentiment was left to becloud a rather smooth republic we meet and was building on. Though the eventual winner HON. Poopola Ishiaka was not the best man for the job in the republic, he was the qualified among the two candidates because I interacted with the two candidate so I know this, must admit most DESPLAYER had some perceived issue personal interest with the candidacy of Hon. Poopola, including yours faithfully he was still the best man for the job; that should not have been allowed to generate into a tribal block vote. Despite this short-coming the victory of His Excellency Hon Poopola Ishiaka still goes to all DESPLAYERs for their maturity after the elections because the great cord of love and commitment has since returned to the community just minutes after the voting, that is DEMOCRACY!    
There is a lesson I learnt from the process, even after the election I sought to know the fear of the Mr. President, before the election, what he told me was disturbing, this I see as a root cause of most sentiment issue arising in our society; he was afraid may be his religious background as a Muslim would have stopped him, I do not think any DESPLAYER saw him as a Muslim, I felt hurt because this was not so, if we have voted based on religion it would have been 17 votes against 5 votes of his; am not sharing this to discredit the person of His Excellency, but it is to draw a lesson that most victims of tribal, religious and emotional abuse are first the offender with their perceived thoughts, so let’s check that.
So three check list in overcoming politics of tribalism or sentiment in general are:
Character, Charisma & Carriage (a separate article to follow up in some couples of days watch out!)   
And to all elected political leaders & public servants I leave you with this SERVICOM OATH crafted at the presidential retreat in 2004. “We dedicate ourselves to providing the basic services in a fair, honest and transparent manner”. Are you ready to abide by the oath, if yes go ahead with your job and if no please it is not too late pull-out now, because it will not be business as usual…”Our eye don open… Our participation go change Niaja” 
Dear young democrat as I  wish His Excellency Hon. Poopola O. Ishiaka a huge success in his term as our president lets all build a character of  a detribalize, non-fanatic religious men. For me I chosen the path of a detribalize Nigerian…Let the best man get the Job!


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