“How many of our prayer requests
are within our own power to answer? Yet we ask God to do what we can do
ourselves. And then we wonder why God doesn't respond. Maybe it’s because God
won’t do for us what we can do for ourselves. God isn't honored by prayers that
are within the realm of human possibility; God is honored when we ask Him to do
what is humanly impossible. That way, God gets all the glory!
There are some things we don’t need to pray about:
There are some things we don’t need to pray about:
We don't need to pray about
loving our neighbors
We don’t need to pray about
giving generously or serving sacrificially.
We don’t need to pray about
blessing someone when it is in our power to do so.
We don’t have to pray about
turning the other cheek or going the extra mile.
God has already spoken on those
Now to our dear country Nigeria,
I challenge you to quiet praying to fix our Nation, to live in peace and take
your leadership position. We have prayed enough, it is time for action. How
come every public holiday, we will ask for prayers, we will challenge ourselves
to live in peace and unity. And the next 24 hours we are at it again, promoting
injustice, exploiting the poor and weak within our ranks and providing poor quality
leadership- with the only solution we bring to the table is “Let us pray for
our leaders”. Excuse me, we have prayed enough, it is time to work.
Like Mark Batterson said in his article “Please don’t
misinterpret what I’m saying. Pray about everything. Then pray some more. But
at some point, we have to quit praying and start acting.”